Traffic Signals
Since the 1960s, Gerstner Electric has helped create traffic signal solutions for municipalities in and around the St. Louis area. Traffic Signals are our primary service, and we offer expertise from pre-construction, through the construction process, to project close-out.
The team at Gerstner Electric boasts decades of experience planning, fabricating, and installing traffic signal solutions, and has been contracted to provide Municipality Maintenance to many of those projects within our operational area.
We’re equipped, experienced, and certified to help design, build, install, and maintain traffic signal solutions, from a simple T-stop to complex single-point urban interchanges like the one found at Big Bend and Hwy 141 in St. Louis County.

Roadway Lighting
Gerstner Electric provides full-service Roadway Lighting for municipalities in the St. Louis area. That means we source and install light poles, wiring, and concrete base for Roadway Lighting of all sizes. From 6-ft architectural light poles for roadways to high-mast highway lights, we’re experienced in providing, installing, and maintaining lighting for the public right-of-way.
Thanks to our long history of Roadway Lighting and Traffic Signal projects in St. Louis, our team has an intimate familiarity with electrical grids in the area, which helps keep your project on time, and on budget.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Gerstner Electric helps deliver a valuable resource to commuters in the St. Louis area thanks to our Intelligent Transportation Systems capabilities. We worked with MoDOT to help build the Gateway Guide system in St. Louis, which provides valuable traffic information to drivers and closed-circuit video cameras enabling MoDOT to identify traffic incidents and respond accordingly.
During each phase of expansion, Gerstner Electric has provided the manpower and industry expertise to get the job done and keep things working smoothly. The Gateway Guide system alerts drivers to traffic incidents and traffic conditions that may impact their route. More roadway camera coverage also means MoDOT is faster to clear traffic obstructions, getting everyone on their way faster than before.
Our team installed the Dynamic Message Signs, providing information about delays and travel time to passing motorists. This information is drawn from a data bank, powered by traffic strips and fiber optic lines all over the city, sourced and installed by Gerstner Electric. The data supplied by these traffic strips also help MoDOT coordinate traffic signals to better direct traffic around the city and ease major points of congestion.
MoDOT’s Gateway Guide is an important system that improves traffic conditions and informs motorists of the latest traffic conditions. Gerstner Electric is proud to provide the technology and maintenance to make it possible.

Municipality Maintenance
Gerstner Electric’s experience and capabilities extend beyond design, fabrication, and installation of municipal electrical structures. We also provide vital regular maintenance for Traffic Signals, Roadway Lighting, electrical lines, ITS, and more. Since 1957, when Gerstner Electric was contracted to wash and re-lamp 56,000 streetlights for the City of St. Louis, we’ve been servicing roadway lighting and traffic signals all over the area, helping to keep drivers safe.
Throughout the St. Louis region, we provide preventative and remedial maintenance for traffic and lighting systems, as well as complimentary maintenance services for various highway entities. Whether or not Gerstner Electric installed your equipment, we’re the best-equipped to keep it in working order, saving your municipality lost time and headaches caused by dysfunctional traffic signals and lighting.
Fiber Optics
As time goes on, Fiber Optics will only become more important to our municipal infrastructures. The team at Gerstner Electric draws from their experience installing the fiber network that powers MoDOT’s Gateway Guide system in St. Louis, an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) that provides traffic information to motorists and critical data to MoDOT.
Gerstner Electric has developed into a leading installer of broadband and telecom fiber lines. Our Fiber Optic services include:
- Aerial and Underground Fiber Install
- Power and Coax Installs
- Fiber Builds and City Rigs
- Large and Small Tower Construction

Duct Bank Construction & Directional Boring
Municipalities and utility companies trust Gerstner Electric to help make their Utilities projects work. Directional boring capabilities allow us to help run crucial wiring for fiber optic networks and electrical lines where they’re needed most.
Whether we’re installing conduits for Ameren Illinois, or running a new line of fiber to the Family Arena, Gerstner Electric is well-prepared to provide key electrical support to utilities projects across the board.
Gerstner Electric provides services for the following utilities:
- Power
- Duct Bank and Vacuum Excavation
Design-Build Construction
The Gerstner Electric team is proud to have worked with notable building partners from St. Louis and across the nation. We believe in fostering long-term working relationships with our Design-Build partners in order to provide the best value for our clients and end-users.
For projects such as the I-270 North construction, we partnered with major contractors to bring significant improvements to 8.6 miles of Interstate 270 in St. Louis County. Likewise, the New I-64 Project involved the rebuilding of 12 miles of interstate highway through St. Louis City and County. On both of these projects, Gerstner Electric was responsible for the construction of roadway lighting, traffic signals, and MoDOT’s intelligent transportation system (ITS).
Our latest Design-Build Construction projects have come in the form of Public-Private Partnerships.
Public-Private Partnership
Gerster Electric provides Public-Private partnership utility infrastructure options to municipalities all over the St. Louis area. When Verizon agreed to sponsor new streetlights throughout the city, including a network of small cell towers that would enhance the city’s cell network, Gerstner Electric was their primary build partner.
We leveraged our vast experience installing roadside lighting throughout St. Louis to help make the project a success, bringing better lighting conditions and cell reception to the city.

Oversized Trucking Solutions
When you need to move something that requires oversized load solutions, Gerstner Electric is an experienced partner. From yachts to large building equipment to light poles, we’re certified to escort oversized loads to their intended destination.
How we help deliver your oversized truck or load:
- We clear overhead electric and communications
- We help you avoid any conflicts or obstructions
- We can accompany nationwide and will act as an escort for any truck
Wireless Solutions
Cell tower construction projects bring stronger, wider cell networks to communities all over the St. Louis region and beyond. In particular, public-private partnerships have provided St. Louis with brand new streetlights, doubling as compact cell towers. Thanks to Gerstner Electric’s unmatched experience building crucial utilities on the public right-of-way, we’ve been involved with the planning, installation, and maintenance of these towers.

Hydro Excavation
Using state-of-the-art equipment and pressurized water, hydro excavation provides a safe, efficient option to help your project avoid costly delays and damage that can occur with traditional means of excavation. Gerstner Electric’s hydro excavation process cuts through soils, breaking them up and vacuum-lifting debris into a container.
This capability/method of excavation saves property owners time and money because it will not damage any pipes, lines, or structures buried at the excavation site.